Unit I: Introduction to Biology and Animal Behavior
Chapters 1 and 34
The student should be able to:
- Define behavior
- List some stimuli that cause a behavior in animals
- Describe some examples of behavior that help animals in survival
- Define innate behavior
- Explain the “fight or flight” response
- Explain instinct and list some examples in animals
- Explain the purposes of courtship behaviors
- Describe the instinctive behavior of the graylag goose and its eggs
- Give an example of instinctive behavior in stickleback fish
- Describe the purpose of territorial behavior in animals
- Identify at least three examples of aggression behavior
- Describe the purpose of dominance hierarchy behaviors
- Explain circadian rhythm
- Describe some external cues that aid in migration behavior
- List some examples of migrating animals
- Compare and contrast estivation and hibernation
- Identify four types of learned behaviors
- Describe several resasons learned behaviors benefit animals
- Explain the process of habituation
- Explain the advantages of imprinting
- Identify an example of “trial and error” learning
- Compare operant conditioning with classical conditioning
- Explain insight and give an example of this in animals
- Describe the functions of communication in animals
- Identify and explain the contributions to the study of animal behavior by the following scientists:
- Konrad Lorenz
- B.F. Skinner
- Ivan Pavlov
- Karl von Frisch
Activities (Weeks 1-3):
Aug 16: Class policies, Introduction to Biology Pre-AP
Aug 17: Discuss Lab Safety rules, Laboratory techniques, and Lab equipment
Aug 18: Quiz: Lab Safety and Techniques; Study Skills Discussion
Aug 21: Termite Lab
Aug 22: Lecture: Scientific Method, Theory & Law, Characteristics of Living Things; Lab Safety Quiz V. 2
Aug 23: Lecture: Elements of Behavior: Stimulus & Response, Innate Behavior
Aug 24: Lecture: Elements of Behavior: Learned Behavior
Aug 25: Lecture: Patterns of Behavior: Behavioral Cycles, Courtship
Aug 28: Lecture: Patterns of Behavior: Competition & Aggression, Communication
Aug 29: Isopod Lab
Aug 30: Discuss lab report format
Aug 31: Review Unit I
Sept 1: Unit I Exam
Aug 17: Read handouts
Aug 18: Go to the website below and explore its tips on studying successfully for a biology class.
How to Study Biology
Aug 21: Ch. 1 Study Guide
Aug 22: Read Chapter 34, Elements of Behavior
Aug 24: Read Chapter 34, Patterns of Behavior
Aug 30: Ch. 34 Study Guide
Aug 31: Final Review for Unit I Exam
Sept 1: Isopod Lab Report
Lecture Materials:
Unit I Exam Review Guide
Ch. 1 Summary p 33
Ch. 1 Summary p 34
Ch. 1 Vocabulary p 35
Ch. 1_Worksheet p_179
Ch. 1 Worksheet p 180
Ch. 1 Worksheet p 181
Ch. 1 Worksheet p 182
Ch. 1 Worksheet p 183
Ch. 1 Worksheet p 184
Ch. 1 Worksheet p 185
Ch. 1 Worksheet p 186
Ch. 1 Worksheet p 187
Ch. 1 Worksheet p 188
Ch. 34 Summary p 132
Ch. 34 Summary p 133
Ch. 34 Summary p 134
Ch. 34 Worksheet p 506
Ch. 34 Worksheet p 507
Ch. 34 Worksheet p 508
Ch. 34 Worksheet p 509
Ch. 34 Worksheet p 510
Ch. 34 Worksheet p 511